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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ladies of EVE Wife: Spaceships are Serious Business.....

Ladies of EVE Wife: Spaceships are Serious Business.....: "The first time I heard the phrase, 'Spaceships are serious business', I just thought he was off in geek land....yet it was cute. Little did ..."

Spaceships are Serious Business.....

The first time I heard the phrase, "Spaceships are serious business", I just thought he was off in geek land....yet it was cute. Little did I know that a little over a year later, this game would consume most of the time his eyes were open. Really, I never made a big deal about his hobbies, they were what actually attracted me to him. He knew what he liked and was never afraid to show it. Everyone played, I mean EVERYONE. I didn't mind the skilling up or the checking this on EVE ONLINE. It was better then him being at the bar or strip club. I truly believe a man must have his hobbies. Some men golf, others like to build things. Well, this man likes to GAME and I love that about him..But what is EVE ONLINE all about anyway?

Lady of Anarchy